Friday, November 6, 2009

Paradigm of Heresy

What Is Heresy?

The word, "heresy," has historically never been used as frequently as it is today. Since the advent of Christianity, even non-Christians have thoughtlessly used the word, without ever considering its true meaning.

The Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong, who came, wearing the flesh, in accordance with the prophecies of Jesus’ second coming. The Church of God keeps the Passover and the Sabbath day, as Christ taught; however, the world rejects the Church, arguing, "They believe in a man," and, "They keep the Sabbath." The Bible testifies that the churches keeping Sunday service, Christmas, and Thanksgiving Day, and who revere the cross and the Virgin Mary—without ever referring to the Bible—are the true heretics.

We need to come to understand what "heresy" truly is. If we do not realize what is seen as heresy in the eyes of God, we will be led into destruction. The word "heresy" means the dissent or deviation from a dominant truth of God—that is, the adherence to lawlessness.


  1. we must not decide it our way. we should decide through only the bible

  2. It is so dangerous that judging everything by our own sight.
    The Bible must be standard on heretic.
