Monday, September 14, 2009



Christmas is a popular festival which is celebrated throughout the world. When the Christmas season arrives, in December, everyone gets into the festive spirit. Most people are under the impression that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday, the day when He came into the world to give blessings and eternal hope to mankind; however, the Church of God—believing in the Second Coming Christ—does not celebrate Christmas, because it is not the birthday of Jesus. In fact, within Christmas is hidden a deceitful trick of Satan.

The devil has tricked many people into worshiping the sun god by allowing them to fall into the illusion that they are sincerely worshiping God in the proper way. Actually, Christmas is a festival to the sun god, Baal, and thus, those who keep the festival are rebelling against God. Satan has deceived people into mistaking Christmas for the birthday of Jesus, and by this cunning deception, Satan has come to be unwittingly served by all the people of the world. Many people try to justify themselves, saying, "We celebrate Christmas because it is the birthday of Jesus." However, Christmas—December 25th—is the birthday of the sun god, Nimrod, who was the first model of the Antichrist.

Christmas originated in the festival of Saturnalia, and is a subtle scheme—devised by Satan—to destroy our souls. Satan always tries to turn us away from the way that God has commanded us to follow: "You shall have no other gods before me," "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything." Today, Satan is prowling around, like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. In order to resist him, we should be alert, standing firm in our faith. In today’s world, lies are prevalent—and most consider these lies to be the truth—because this generation does not hesitate in following the ways that are against God.

We need to be able to discern the truth from all of the falsehood. By examining numerous sources of evidence, we can clearly understand that December 25th was not the birthday of Jesus, but the birthday of the sun god. Now, let’s look carefully at various materials which testify that the date of Jesus’ birth was not December 25th, and that this date was the birthday of the sun god, as it had been celebrated in ancient Rome. Even though all of the people living in this age believe that lies and falsehood are the truth, we are the ones who must restore the truth.

1 comment:

  1. I also had known that the christmas is the birthday of Jesus.
    But I knew the christmas is not the birthday of Jesus through the television.
    It`s amazing...
